full stack.

software engineer




Work Experience


Fullstack Software Engineer
April 2023 - Present

  • Appeal History - Customer Portal Feature for viewing and managing appeal history.
  • Portal Redesign - Navigation and layout redesign for customer portal.
  • Property Tax Projections - Customer Portal Feature for viewing and managing property tax history and projections.
  • Notifications Center - Animated UI for displaying notifications to users. Users can dismiss notifications or interact with them for portal navigation.
  • Enterprise Mutli-Property Dashboard - Dashboard for enterprise customers to view and manage multiple properties, with pagination and filtering.


Sr. Software Engineer
April 2021 - March 2023

  • Lunchbox 2.0 - Rebuild of our frontend online ordering applications. After some reorganization in the company I was moved to this project halfway during it's completion. Became the primary contributor for the application's BFF (backend for frontend) API. The BFF was intended to consolidate data from a 3rd party CMS and ordering API acquired by the company. Implemented a JWT encrypted authorization flow to be used by web, iOS and Android front ends. Implemented multi-tenancy patterns for web front end. Implemented authentication and checkout logic on SSR Remix web application.
  • Pulse - Context marketing engine for subscribing to weather events that would trigger webhooks. Built out complex user interface for walking users through 'trigger' creation and setup. Implemented backend using Nest.js and Postgres. Backend utilized polling and json-logic for dynamically processing the logic for each trigger.
  • Conducted over 50 interviews, including code challenges.
  • Lunchbox Live - Public showcase of company metrics. (Client locations and dollars clients saved using our platform. [https://live.lunchbox.dev]
  • Year End Review - Annual recap of ordering statistics for each client and aggregated. [https://unboxed.lunchbox.io]


Software Engineer
Dec 2020 - March 2021

  • Migrated a hardware configuration UI component from internal tools site to a client admin management site.
  • Implemented a user facing map component for associating geojson boundaries to addresses.


Jr. Software Engineer - Software Engineer
May 2018 - Dec 2020

  • Maintained a monolithic legacy Classic ASP code base.
  • Worked in a scrum style agile environment.
  • Was the main developer of a core site navigation ui component, a dynamic dropdown.
  • Worked on a custom UX/UI framework overhaul project which is used for over 4000 sites.
  • Wrote a To-Do web app using Angular during off hours. Presented web app and framework to all engineers in continuous improvement meeting.
  • Worked with an enterprise partner to integrate their wallet id validation system into our checkout process using a client provided external API using certificate authentication.
  • Frequent collaborations with database team to remove and optimize inline SQL queries.
  • Built custom SQL reports as requested within a statement of work requirements.
  • Developed a new online ordering checkout workflow enhancement into a legacy Classic ASP application.
  • Led a successful campaign to promote proper documentaion for several C# .NET APIs using C# swagger documentation tools.
  • Worked with C# .NET APIs for connecting with payment gateways, user authentication/authorization, data querying, printer hardware integration, internal customer support tools and backend procedure job queues.
  • Onboarded several engineers.
  • I advocated and demonstrated the use of React while implementing the front end archticture of a new application. It was my intiative that introduced a newer technology to the company.


B.S. Applied Arts & Sciences, R.I.T. 2012-2017